Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exalted Character Builder

Alright. Down to some actual blogging which I haven't done in... well, I've never actually done real blogging (the post below doesn't count because it's a tutorial). So, I'm working on a web-based character builder for the Exalted RPG. I hope White Wolf doesn't mind - but why would they since they basically threw the whole product line out the window? I hope to release the codebase for it as an open-source project for the community to play with after I have my builder up and working. It is currently hidden in a folder on another one of my domains but after I have some testing and QA done with my friends and have imported the ENTIRE LIST OF CHARMS (a couple hundred, I'd guess), I will throw it on a new domain of it's own to see how it does. I've only implemented the most basic of spam protection so I hope it doesn't get spammed into oblivion. Anyway, wish me luck and I'll make another post when it is ready for testing.